Yes that's actually a real tweet from this jabroni who makes a healthy salary paid by tax dollars to lower the collective IQ like this. We all lost intelligence just by allowing those words into our brains.
"ExTrEmE HeAt is A jUsTiCe IsSuE"

"sTuDiEs HaVe ShOwN"

Well guess what ... I just conducted a study by reading this tweet several times and texting about it with a couple friends and now I can say with confidence:
Studies have shown that Senator Ed Markey is a race-baiting balloonhead.
I am convinced that these people do not really believe this stuff. They are counting on you to be stupid and to blindly accept anything they say. And they say stuff like this because they want us all to hate each other. That's why EVERYTHING ON PLANET EARTH IS RACIST.
The only thing more amazing that this senator has the gall to tweet this crap is that so many people will happily accept it.