Sending kids home who have head lice is a Civil Rights issue according to new American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines.
ยท Sep 29, 2022 ยท

In communist America, it's not very equitable if only one kid gets lice at school; all the kids should have lice equally.

At least that seems to be the new messaging out of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), whose new guidelines state:

No healthy child or adolescent should be excluded from school or allowed to miss school time because of head lice or nits. Medical providers should educate school communities that no-nit policies for return to school should be abandoned, because such policies would have negative consequences for children's or adolescents' academic progress, may violate their civil rights, and stigmatize head lice as a public health hazard.

That's right. According to the AAP, head lice are no longer a medical issue; they are a civil rights issue.

Right to Lice Movement (circa 2022)

The AAP cites an article giving international recommendations regarding school children and lice from the International Journal of Dermatology as their authority for the recommendations, which unsurprisingly cites the AAP as the authority for their recommendations.

Of course every mother for thousands of years has known where children pick up lice: from other children. The website Mothers Against Head Lice makes an impassioned plea promoting no-nit policies in the schools.

However, the AAP knows just how to counter that:

No-nit policies are unjust and should be discontinued, because they are based on misinformation rather than objective science.

That's right. Everything you thought you knew about head lice is all just misinformation.

So, stop struggling against the breakdown of society. It's better if all the kids have head lice anyway.

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