Here we go: Singer Macy Gray calls for getting rid of the American flag because it's "tattered, dated, and divisive"
· Jun 18, 2021 ·

I can't believe MarketWatch published this garbage op-ed from singer Macy Gray:

Let's dive in.

The Confederate battle flag, which was crafted as a symbol of opposition to the abolishment of slavery, is just recently tired. We don't see it much anymore. However, on the 6th, when the stormers rained on the nation's most precious hut, waving Old Glory — the memo was received: the American flag is its replacement.

Honestly, who among us did not see this drivel coming? Leftists didn't even break stride between "ban the Confederate flag" and "ban the American flag."

President Biden, Madame Harris and members of Congress: the American flag has been hijacked as code for a specific belief. God bless those believers, they can have it. Like the Confederate, it is tattered, dated, divisive, and incorrect. It no longer represents democracy and freedom. It no longer represents ALL of us. It's not fair to be forced to honor it. It's time for a new flag.

There you have it, folks. The American flag now represents white supremacy. Because a few neckbeards waved it one time. Let's just give it up and start over.

Complete crap.

Gray then goes on to present her OWN, BETTER design for the American flag, because who could be better qualified to reinvent Old Glory than a C-list celebrity who had a radio hit two decades ago?

What if the stripes were OFF-white? What if there were 52 stars to include D.C. and Puerto Rico? What if the stars were the colors of ALL of us — your skin tone and mine — like the melanin scale? The blue square represents vigilance and perseverance; and the red stripes stand for valor. America is all of those things. So, what if those elements on the flag remained? What if the flag looked like this?

WhAt iF ThE StRiPeS WeRe oFf-wHiTe?

WhAt iF ThE StArS WeRe dIfFeReNt cOlOrS?

I swear, the people whose minds have been infected by the Woke Virus see nothing but color! They see nothing but color, and they hate white. It's an obsession. It's a religion.

Banning the Confederate flag was never a goal — it was merely a stepping stone toward larger goals. Replacing the American flag is the same idea. Marxists are big-picture people and each victory emboldens them.

That is why you can't give an inch.

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