So one of this year's "best actress" awards from the Golden Globes went to, well, you guessed it
· Jan 12, 2022 ·

It is so nice to see the fellas finally getting the respect they deserve.

Think about it. In the last year, a man became the first woman to be a 4-star general in the Public Health Service, a man shattered women's swim records, a man was honored as the first woman to reach $1 million on Jeopardy!, and now a man is the best actress.

You women with actual XX chromosomes really need to up your game!

In an untelevised ceremony, the 79th annual Golden Globes Award show honored Michaela Jaé "Mj" Rodriguez with the distinction of "Best Actress" in a television drama this past Sunday. Rodriguez was born a male and now claims to be a woman. Rodriguez won the award for playing the character Blanca, a nurse on the LGBT dramatic series, "Pose." NBC News reported that this was the first time a transgender actor has ever won a Golden Globe.

Really, good for him.

After all, wasn't the point of feminism to ensure that men replace women in every area of business, school, and entertainment?

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