E N H A N C E:

Where do you even start? White, affluent, liberal, American women wearing the Palestinian headdress associated with holy war against the Jews, as part of a protest at the intersection of Islamic jihad and Marxist revolution, while commemorating an ancient spring festival from pagan Europe.
It's too much. The Babylon Bee should pack up shop now because Hayley in Denver is a force that satire can't reckon with!!
Sen. Rand Paul's wife Kelly had thoughts:
So did a lot of other people!
I do feel bad for Hayley though: She deleted her account.
Social media is a savage place.
Someone should find her, give her a hug, and calmly explain that you can't be a girlboss who likes the Nuggets and Lululemon while also supporting the Marxist-Islamic alliance for endless revolution.
I know a few soon-to-be-out-of-work satirists that could help her with that!
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