Robert Bigelow is a billionaire and he founded the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies after losing his wife to leukemia and bone marrow disease.
Through this institute, Mr. Bigelow has set up a contest to reward whoever can present the "best evidence for the survival of consciousness after permanent bodily death." There are prizes of $500k, $300k and $150k for first, second and third place, with winners being announced on November 1st.
And I'd like to go ahead and take this opportunity to present my indisputable evidence for life after death:
"It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment"
– Hebrews 9:27
That evidence comes to you courtesy the greatest authority of all, the Word of God. So...
Where do I claim my prize, please and thank you?

For real though, there is a life after death and there is salvation in no other name than Jesus Christ.
Repent and believe the gospel.