Song of the Moment: "Killowen" by James Spaite
· Aug 6, 2021 ·

Today, I had a random request from one of our users on Not the Bee. They needed me to recommend a "good song," with no further instruction than that. So I did what anybody would do...I went to my "Good Songs" playlist on Spotify and randomly chose one. This is the song I got. And man, it's a good one.

Life is pretty stressful. This song reduces stress. If you listen to James' guitar playing, it's quite remarkable. And it's not studio tricks or anything like that, the guy can legit play this song as it sounds on the record while singing and nailing the whole thing. Don't believe me? I'm linking to a pretty awesome live version of the song from 2 years ago.

I don't have much else to say about this, other than it should make you feel good, and that's important at times like this. If you're looking for one of the coolest parts, fast forward to 2:00. The stuff this guy does is really awesome. He's playing the guitar face up on his lap, slapping those harmonics as he's singing. Pretty impressive.

And here's the live performance, which is maybe more fun to watch:


The song mentioned in this article, and all entries into my Song of the Moment series, can be found as a public playlist on Spotify. Check it out!

And here is a direct link

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