I don't know if you‘ve heard, but if we all don't start eating bugs and buying Teslas, our planet is going to catch fire.

At least that's the alarmist messaging coming from all the global Marxists who want to topple sovereign nations, end capitalism, kill most of the world's population, and above all else destroy anything resembling Judeo-Christian values.
But we'll come back to that in a little bit.
First, let's talk about South Africa, who against all odds managed to reach their Paris Agreement climate goals.
The nation has already slashed enough emissions to have reduced output between 350 and 420 megatons of carbon dioxide by 2030, meeting their goal of between 398 and 614 megatons.

So, how did South Africa do what so few have been able to manage?
Why, by initiating a nationwide energy crisis with rolling blackouts due to a multitude of catastrophic technical failures at electrical stations, of course!
These power failures have brought the once-modern nation to its proverbial knees.
Eskom the national power supplier can only guarantee 27,000 megawatts, but the national need for basic power demand can be upwards of 37,000 megawatts.

Power rationing is being conducted to keep the national grid from collapsing, leaving people without power for 10 hours or more per day.
Most of the people of South Africa have lost access to refrigeration, education, communication services, medical services, and work. Over two-thirds of businesses have laid off employees or closed because of the power outages.
And how did their power plants get to this point?
That's right. South Africa thought there were too many skilled white engineers in important positions like those at power plants. Since the end of Apartheid in the 1990s, South Africa's government has adopted a replacement strategy to replace white people in every field with black people.
There was just one big problem: Apartheid had never allowed for the training of black engineers who knew how to run power plants.
Unfortunately, South Africa threw themselves into their replacement project with little worry about the technical details and drove all the highly trained white engineers out of the country, mostly to Arab nations like the United Arab Emirates.
Now, South Africa is on the verge of national collapse. That's not hyperbole. What was once a developed nation is about to crash backwards into the Dark Ages. They are facing mass starvation, their businesses are failing, and they have little access to healthcare, which is a recipe for disease and death.
But their falling emissions are saving the planet, so it sounds like they're winning from a global Marxist perspective!