South Dakota mom says new state law is making it "absolutely exhausting" to get her child trans medical services
· Mar 8, 2023 ·

It isn't easy being a parent these days.

You know how it is: There are lunches to prepare, homework to help out with, laundry to do, and trips to the doctor to render your child infertile and dependent on drugs for the rest of his or her life.

Can't a mom catch a break?

Apparently not, as South Dakota is only the latest state that makes it all but impossible for children who lack the maturity to drive, vote, sign a legally binding contract, smoke, drink, or consent to sex, to nonetheless make life-altering decisions the gravity of which exceeds by orders of magnitude any of those other decisions.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem last week signed the "Help Not Harm" bill into law, making it illegal for medical professionals to provide certain forms of gender-affirming healthcare for trans youth in the state.

"Certain forms?"

What forms are we talking about?

Not non-medical services and most importantly, mental-health services. Those are still permitted, of course. These are troubled, confused children who need help, love, and support through a difficult time.

What is being outlawed?

South Dakota's law says healthcare professionals cannot prescribe puberty blockers, which are reversible, administer hormone therapy, or perform gender-affirming surgery.

We'll circle back to this in a moment, particularly that "reversible" claim, but first, let's return to the headline, the sympathetic mom who's just trying to castrate her child in as convenient a manner as possible.

Because of the new law, Elizabeth Broekemeier said she now drives over 230 miles from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to Minneapolis with her child to a doctor who provides gender-affirming care.

She's dedicated, I'll give her that.

Broekemeier said she found providers in Minnesota who agreed to pick up her son's medical care. The process to switch, however, was lengthy and frustrating, she told Insider in an interview.

Don't you hate all the red tape involved in mutilating your child?

It first required checking to see if those doctors were taking new patients and then transferring all of his medical records to the new institutions. The process continues to be inconvenient, she said.

It goes on like that for a while, missing work, coordinating schedules with her ex-husband, and so on.

Naturally she opposed the bill as it moved through the state legislature.

The testimony was especially hard for her son to listen to, she said, "because he was basically likened to a medical experiment by the proponents of this bill. And that's absolutely dehumanizing."

That's dehumanizing.

Disfiguring a child to turn her into some simulacrum of a sex she isn't?

Such laws can increase the likelihood that trans youth experience mental illnesses, two experts told Insider.

Pro tip: If you think you are a sex you are not, you are already experiencing mental illness. Treat it. Treat it like you would any other. We don't "royalty affirm" someone who thinks she's the queen of England by giving her a scepter and letting her address Parliament.

Let's be clear on what these parents are doing: We know they have to leave the state to have certain "gender affirming" procedures performed, and we know the only procedure outlawed are the life-altering ones.

Which brings us back to a passage from the article I promised to revisit:

South Dakota's law says healthcare professionals cannot prescribe puberty blockers, which are reversible, administer hormone therapy, or perform gender-affirming surgery.

The claim, presented without citation or argument of any kind, is that "puberty blockers" are reversible.

Here's what you get when you search for "puberty blockers are not reversible." It's right up top, highlighted and everything.

Really? "No known irreversible effects?"

Shut up, stop looking, and just believe it!!

We kept looking, just below that and past one more pro-reversible link:

Sounds like once you get by the propaganda dutifully supplied by our tech elite, there seems to be quite a few known "irreversible" effects.

To be clear: There's no such thing as "puberty blockers." It's chemical castration rebranded.

I feel awful for parents who have troubled children and the heartache and worry that can cause. But having a society try to pass off Mengele-level medical horrors as "care" of any kind is not just insanity: it's evil. It preys upon people at their most vulnerable, from struggling children (and everyone struggles to some extent as they go through puberty) to terrified parents.

Adults can do whatever they want to themselves as far as I'm concerned, but our society has long understood that somebody has to stand up for the children who simply do not have the capacity to make such life-altering decisions.

Permitting "doctors" to cut off children's genitals and breasts and subject them to powerful drugs the effects of which we barely understand (and those we do are increasingly worrisome) cannot under any circumstances be supported, never mind promoted, by a civilized society.

It is not care. It is a crime.

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