Sports Illustrated Actually Said Coaches Praying In Public Would Erode Democracy 🤡
· Jun 13, 2022 ·

Sports Illustrated, a publication that is ostensibly supposed to be about sports, is obsessively reporting on a free speech case involving a high school football coach who is battling for his right to pray on a football field after a game.

This galaxy-brain take comes from Greg Bishop, who claims that Joe Kennedy praying on the field after a football game would be an "erosion of a bedrock of American democracy."

Bishop is seriously arguing that a coach praying on a field, not over the PA system, but quietly by himself, would bring an end to the American way of life.

As if the founders would have been scandalized by a person [checks notes] saying a prayer in public…

The case is going to the Supreme Court, and we have covered the details of Coach Kennedy's case before.

Seriously, beyond the astonishingly bad constitutional take, who in the world wants to read this sort of thing from Sports Illustrated?

Maybe I'm old-fashioned but I think Sports Illustrated should be writing about, I don't know, sports?

No wonder they are a failing company.

Is there anywhere that sports fans can read about just sports? Other than the dumb fratboy stylings on Barstool?

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