I don't know, I feel like Kamala might be adjusting her rhetorical style based upon what — ahem — region she happens to find herself in:
The wealthy girl who went to private school and lived in a rich neighborhood of Montreal wants you to know that's she's out here in these streets!
Here's the presidential aspirant in Pittsburgh:
Thank unions for sick leave.
Thank unions for paid family leave.
Thank unions for your vacation time.
And here she is in Detroit:
You betta thank a union member for the five-day work weeeek!
You betta thank a union member for sick leeeave!
You betta thank a union member for paaaid leeeave!
You betta thank a union member for v'cation tiiime!
Keep it up, Kamala, I can't wait to see what accent you do next!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇