Big props to these trailblazers who were named among "8 Incredible Canadian Women" by ELLE Magazine!
· Sep 3, 2024 ·

Good to see that Canada is having a very normal, very Canadian day up there:

Man named as one of ‘8 Incredible Canadian Women' by Elle Magazine.

Vivek Shraya, who identifies as a ‘woman' has been named alongside another man, Fae Johnstone by the magazine in the list of ‘incredible' women.

Say it all together now:

There are about a dozen examples of what the police call "visual identification evidence" here that will lead everyone in the entire world to (easily) conclude that this is a man, and not a woman:

Amazingly, Elle almost outdid itself on its own list when it named "Fae Johnstone" as yet another "incredible" "woman":

Amazingly, there was apparently enough of a major backlash that the article had to be edited post-publication:

Following a number of concerning messages posted online and received by our magazine, the publisher chose to edit the original version of the article in order to protect everyone's safety. Its byline was also removed.

What a time to be alive!

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