Staffers who filmed gay sex in Senate hearing room will not be charged as this is apparently less offensive than grandmas walking around with flags
ยท Feb 1, 2024 ยท

Ah, the cesspool of DC, the new harlot of Babylon.

"For now, we are closing the investigation into the facts and circumstances surrounding a sex video that was recorded inside the Hart Senate Office Building on the morning of Wednesday, December 13. After consulting with federal and local prosecutors, as well as doing a comprehensive investigation and review of possible charges, it was determined that - despite a likely violation of Congressional policy - there is currently no evidence that a crime was committed. Although the hearing room was not open to the public at the time, the Congressional staffer involved had access to the room. The two people of interest were not cooperative, nor were the elements of any of the possible crimes met. The Congressional staffer, who has since resigned from his job, exercised his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and refused to talk to us. Our investigators are willing to review new evidence should any come to light." - The United States Capitol Police

That's right, zero penalties for filming porn in the inner sanctums of Capitol Hill.

Meanwhile, there are men and women rotting in jail without trial more than 3 years after Trump supporters were let into the Capitol building.

Most of those supporters meandered respectfully around the building. Capitol Police even guided them around.

Grandmas with cancer were sent to jail for even the perception that they had gotten in the way of officers. The FBI is still sending SWAT teams to hunt down people accused of hitting or pepper spraying officers (while those who burned down cities for BLM are sitting nice and comfy in their homes).

If you think that's unjust, wait until you hear about the penalty for delaying baby murder with hymns.

Does this make you angry? Good. It is good to be angry at evil. You still have a conscience and the fear of God.

I used to be proud to be an American. But DC has turned that word sour in my mouth. It's all so rotten - like putrid mush that was farther past its expiration date than we ever thought.

Over the last decade, I have learned that my government hates me, wants to destroy me, and will use my own money to pay to persecute me and my neighbors. With whatever of my family's resources they have left over, they party in ways that would make Caligula blush.

We really have reached peak depravity. But our leaders haven't paid attention to history. Plenty of others have thought God could be mocked.

Good luck with that, Swamp creatures.

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