Ladies and gentlemen, make sure your blaster is secure because hot dog are these takes hilarious!
Checkmate right there! Problem solved!
(By the way, I have to show you screenshots because Twitter considers this too "sensitive" for you to see, since guns are yucky and evil to the nerds paid to censor us all from SoCal.)
It's a testimony to America's greatness that people this unaware and this idiotic are still alive. Bless the gun owners around this woman that allow her to live in ignorant bliss of how crime, ethics, and self defense work.
This next one is a video and Twitter's gonna label it "sensitive," but there's no blood or violence... just a stupid dude with the worst trigger discipline of all time:
If that man is an actual police officer (probably not), he needs to turn in his badge immediately.
See, the reason cowboys could technically whip pistols like that is because they had single-action revolvers, not modern semi-autos with a hair trigger.
Very little of what you see in the movies is real, kids!

Here's someone who has believed the lie that AR platforms vaporize their targets like the freakin' Death Star:
Tell me you understand nothing about guns without telling me you understand nothing about guns. 😂
Next up, we have a person who is about to turn in their iPhone since only the printing press and quills were intended for free speech:
Just an FYI, the reason we "ammosexuals" care so much about guns is because we've studied history and understand full well that there has never been a time ever where the government recognized the rights of citizens unless it feared said citizens. We're trying to keep the power-hungry goons from silencing and killing you, ya knuckleheads.
(For reference, please study literally anything related to the genocidal 20th-century.)
Next up, we have someone who felt it was very important to say that unregistered guns are illegal.
To which I reply:
(Man I love the Constitution.)
Here we have a regular Rambo who knows that shotguns and pistols are superior to ARs for home defense:
You love to see the ignorance.
Back to hunting again, did you know that a single round out of an AR will vaporize a deer and travel for 2 miles before (probably) creating a 200 megaton explosion?
If this were true, emptying a single mag in my local indoor range would create an underground eruption similar to Mount Doom!
I am in awe at how many bad hunting takes there are:
So a 5.56 round is significantly smaller and has less energy than my grandpa's .30-06 bolt action, but apparently in Clown World the physics are backwards!!
I'll leave you with this gem: If you don't support aSsAuLt wEaPoN bans, you support mass murderers:
…just like you support vehicular homicide if you drive a car and you support genocidal Genghis Khan if you like horses and crossbows.