Taco Bell's new monthly subscription service appropriately named the "Taco Lover's Pass" is $10 a month and allows you to order one taco every day from the super-elite Taco Lover's Pass menu.
They tested out the subscription-style rewards program in 2021 in Tuscon, Arizona, and it looks like Tusconers love their tacos, because it was a success. Tuscon knows what up.

The Taco Lover's Pass menu appears to mostly be the tacos from the regular menu, but you'll get your money's worth after a week of eating one taco a day, so it could be worth it for you if you frequent Taco Bell as much as I did during my first trimester of pregnancy.
But it's not just pregnant women that could use this service, college students also have a small budget and very low standards of cuisine. Not to mention, a $10 Taco Bell subscription has a significantly lower price tag than the $500 meal plans colleges are pawning off on unsuspecting students.
What could be better than saving $400 a year and eating a taco every day?

^^^ Actual footage of me going to pick up my taco subscription every day.