Taco shop tells it like it is, blames "government and state handouts" for why "no one wants to work anymore"
· Jul 13, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Imagine having to post this sign for your own business.

In Folsom, California, a taco joint recently posted this sign to explain why service may be a little slower than in the pre-Fauci era.

"To our loyal customers."

"Sadly, due to government and state handouts no one wants to work anymore. Therefore, we are short staffed."

"Please be patient with our staff that did choose to come to work today."

When the government is just handing out tons of money like a bunch of lollipops, how are the local businesses supposed to compete with that? Many businesses cannot compete with the nanny state. Hence, the sign at this taqueria.

Many businesses were already struggling enough with the imposed lockdowns. To add insult to stupidity, government leaders promised lots of money and benefits to unemployed people, thereby incentivizing people not to work.

It doesn't take an economics degree to know that.

Such decisions from our governing authorities were (and continue to be) economic suicide.

"Until the government check stops coming out, which is September, we're going to continue to have labor shortages and that's going to continue to challenge small business," said Barry Broome, President of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council.

"We were big proponents of keeping families stable during the pandemic. Now that the economy is coming back we need the labor market."

Even with all the data demonstrating how catastrophic the lockdowns and government handouts are, folks like Broome are still in denial. They'd rather sweep the horrible decisions of government leaders under the rug than admit they made an absolute mess of this.

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