"Take them someplace else or send them back to Venezuela": Residents of the far-left, tolerant neighborhood of Hyde Park in Chicago sure seem like bigots these days
· Sep 1, 2023 · NottheBee.com

It's amazing how those woke yard signs disappear the moment illegal aliens show up at your door:

What happened to compassion and sanctuary, Chicago? You spent years virtue signaling, showing the coastal elites that you were one of them. You aren't intolerant bigots like the rest of those conservative Midwest folk who believe men are men and Jesus is Lord!

You voted blue, you put up the yard signs, you marched in the parades! You were the heralds of pRoGrEsS! How dare they do this to you?

It's time to put your money where your mouth is. You voted for this - voted for it for DECADES.

Time to pay the piper!

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