Tennessee Democrat compares himself to "Black Jesus" after Republicans kick him and his colleague out of General Assembly for flagrantly violating rules
· Apr 7, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Two of three Tennessee Democrats subject to expulsion for joining last week's riots inside the capitol were officially expelled from the general assembly on Thursday.

In a 72 to 25 vote, Republicans in Nashville showed intestinal fortitude by expelling Justin Jones of Nashville, the Democrat who took over the house floor with a bullhorn and encouraged the rioters.

Justin Pearson of Memphis, who joined Jones to encourage the out-of-control rioters in the gallery, was also expelled from the assembly yesterday in a vote of 69-26.

Upon facing expulsion, Justin Pearson spent his time comparing himself to "Black Jesus."

Now THAT is some absolutely INSANE theology right there. He even calls Jesus "Black Jesus" who stands up for the poor and LGBTQ. That's a fake, woke, Marxist gospel if I've ever heard one.

And in this story, Pearson makes HIMSELF Jesus. He thinks he's gonna rise on the third day or something.

The third Democrat facing expulsion, Gloria Johnson of Knoxville, was saved by a single vote.

Lefties are trying to blame racism for the one white lady up for expulsion being saved, but really it was because weak Republicans fell for a fake apology from Johnson, something that the other two didn't even pretend to do.

Former President Barrack Obama, who rarely speaks up on Twitter, had thoughts about the expulsion:

Ahh yes, it's the people who hold rioters to account and enforce the rules of Tennessee's assembly and constitution who are eroding "democratic norms."

I guess a wild mob of protesters who storm the capitol, and the politicians who join with them, are the actual "democracy."

(When are you going to lobby to free J6 political prisoners, Barack?)

Matt Walsh sums things up, as usual, just perfectly:

Look to Tennessee, Republicans from around the nation!

This is how it's done!

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