You knew this story was going to be out of SoCal or Seattle, didn't you?
If you guessed the latter Marxist enclave, you were right (although it was technically just north of Seattle in Lynwood). A gang broke open the front door of a Seattle café and cut through an adjoining wall into an Apple store bathroom, allowing them to steal $500,000 worth of iPhones.
"Our front door was locked," said Seattle Coffee Gear Regional Manager Eric Marks. "They pried our front door open. [It was a] 24 by 18 hole cut in the wall into what appears to be the back room of the Apple store. I'm surprised we were the conduit for them to get to the Apple store. I had no clue we were so close or adjacent to them."
It seems the recent trend of smash and grabs in broad daylight have evolved into outfits worthy of being called "Ocean's Eleven."

The Lynwood police said the perps mostly nabbed iPhones, but also took iPads and Apple watches.
"Approximately 436 iPhones in total were taken out of the back," LPD Communications Manager Maren McKay stated. "In total about $500,000 worth of merchandise was stolen and that's iPhones, iPads, Apple watches."
According to the National Retail Federation, retailers lost nearly $100 billion in 2021 from "retail shrinkage," meaning the loss of products from anything other than sales. While this includes categories like damage or perishability, theft is a massive chunk of the pie.
Rising crime in big cities is rising to the point where companies such as Walmart and Walgreens are shutting down stores to cut their losses in areas dominated by the "tolerant" and "inclusive" politicians.