Female "pastors" be causin' trouble, huh?
Deven Wallace of Redemption to the Nations Church proudly announced that church members are adopting children from illegal immigrants — because nothing says good works like collecting kids from Biden's border crisis. We love woke virtue-signaling.

You gotta love promoting the "diversity of the Kingdom" by breaking the law!
It's the same old same old, "If you love Jesus you must support open borders."
Deven claims, "We need to fix our border," but follows it up by saying that illegals who are not gang members are not criminals here.
Does she not realize that the act of illegal immigration itself is... well... illegal (it's in the name), thereby making anyone who commits it a criminal by law?

By that logic, trespassing isn't illegal unless you're also robbing the place.
But wait, it gets better ...
The same brilliant church preaching "justice" and "compassion" leased their property to Progressive Investment Group, LLC (because what could go wrong there?), who then sublet it to the Baptiste Group — who *checks notes* turned it into an illegal migrant shelter, where employees were sexually assaulting migrant children smuggled in.
Almost like SO MANY of the children shelters who are encouraging illegal immigration are nothing more than human traffickers hiding behind the guise of "compassion" and "empathy."
And, in the least surprising twist ever, the church is being sued for nearly $3 million in unpaid rent.
So to recap: they, knowingly or not, enabled illegal immigration and child sexual abuse, got financially scammed, and are now virtue signaling about how much they care about migrant kids.
Many. Such. Cases.
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