No, this was not a Spirit Airlines flight. Although this makes a good case for the Frontier/Spirit merger.
A Frontier Airlines flight traveling from Denver to Houston was interrupted when, 20 minutes into the flight, a man punched/kicked out a window after the woman in front of him refused to talk to him.

That's Army veteran Tanner Phillips in the backwards hat. Tanner, interviewed below, helped restrain this loon with shoelaces and zipties because the bro had apparently gone nuts after being rejected by a woman on an airplane.
[T]he man began acting erratically, first punching the seat in front of him after its occupant requested to change seats. The situation escalated when he started kicking one of the plane's windows, eventually damaging its interior panel …
Several male passengers ... intervened to subdue the distressed passenger. The group used shoelaces and flex cuffs to restrain the man for the remaining hour and a half of the flight.
The plane landed at Bush Intercontinental Airport at about 11 p.m.
Police have not released the disruptive passenger's identity, and Frontier, surprisingly, says they will not be pressing charges.
I guess this is par for the course on their airline?
Here's some local news coverage with a bunch of great context and an interview with Tanner Phillips, the Army vet who helped tie this guy down.
Not saying the guy was drunk, but this is why we need to start breathalyzing people during the boarding process.
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