"THAT HURT": Watch the moment this Animal Planet host got zapped by lightning during a shoot in the Everglades
ยท Oct 3, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

Whenever lightning strikes anywhere near you, you think to yourself, "Boy, I'm lucky that didn't hit any closer."

When lightning literally hits you, meanwhile, well, I'm not sure what you think:

A wildlife expert and biologist got the shock of a lifetime after he was struck by lightning while recording a promotional video in Everglades City, Florida.

Forrest Galante was in southern Florida filming content when the incident occurred and said weather conditions were perfect until he and his crew were nearing the end of filming.

He almost made it through the whole shoot before the bolt got him:

That sucker was directly overhead. No detectable gap between the bolt and the thunder.

I'm not sure I could've said it better myself:

That hurt.

The scientist said the "superconductive" water drove the electricity through his entire body and that he was very briefly paralyzed during the hit. Which you can actually kind of see in the half-second after he ducks but before he runs:

Scary stuff. Aside from some residual soreness, Galante is doing fine, although he claims to have a lingering metallic taste in his mouth. So "he's been chewing gum to try and get rid of the taste."


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