Florida family welcomes their THIRD daughter to be born on the same day of the year πŸŽ‚
Β· Oct 3, 2023 Β· NottheBee.com

Jeremy and Sauhry Turner of Ocala, Florida welcomed their baby girl into the world last month. Over the course of the past four years, the couple has had three daughters, all born on September 3rd, and more amazingly, all after natural labor.

Jeremy said that when Sauhry went into labor this time around,

We were like, β€˜It's happening all over again.' When we were at the hospital, the doctors kept telling us that they've never heard of a case like this ever before happening in Ocala.

The three girls, Jasmine, born in 2020; Jessica, born in 2021; and Juliet, born in 2023, are not quite old enough to understand what it means to share a birthday, but no doubt there will be many many birthdays ahead that they will enjoy (or begrudge) sharing.

Jeremy went on to say,

I'm the only guy in this home. I live with a bunch of girls now, but I love it. I know it's something unique that doesn't happen a lot. I'm the happiest father in Ocala. I am lucky to have these three girls born on the same day.

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