We've covered this Japanese guy known as Toco a few times here at Not the Bee.
There are so many weird people out there who dress like animals, but Toco does seem to be the most committed.
And now, to further that point, he's hoping to spread his weirdness by opening a "furry zoo" in Tokyo where visitors can dress up in dog suits with him.
He's calling it Tocotoco Zoo.
And he now has an expensive, realistic Alaskan Malamute suit for visitors.
Climbing into that suit does come with some caveats though.
It costs $311 per person for "zoo" time.
Participants have to be between 4'11" and 5'11" to get into the costume.
The mouth doesn't always open.
And of course the most important caveat to participating in the experience:
Participants have to be nutso.
Guess that rules me out — because I'm too tall.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇