The Arizona Dept. of Education thinks your baby is a racist
· Mar 5, 2021 ·

Chris Rufo of the Discovery Institute has been on the warpath to unveil Marxist Critical Race Theory in our nation's schools.

This time, he found a toolkit from the Arizona Dept. of Education that helps parents address the rAciSm of their babies:

I really wish I could say this was a joke, but this is not the Babylon Bee, folks.

The toolkit gives parents a strategy to talk about race, because getting our kids to hyper-focus on subjective identity groups of people based on skin color is apparently the best way to keep them from being racists!!

"At 3 months, babies look more at faces that match the race of their caregivers," says the toolkit.

GASP! Babies tend to look more at people who look like their "caregivers" (note that "parent" is absent here). I mean, it takes up to six months for a child to even have an understanding that something exists when it's not directly in view, but at 3 months old, they are already learning to be oppressive racists who reinforce the patriarchy!

"Expressions of racial prejudice often peak and ages 4 and 5," says the toolkit, and "silence about race reinforces racism."

Funny, I have two kids who have reached that age and they readily play with our Ethiopian neighbors even though I haven't had to sit them down and teach them about intersectional categories of identity. All I did was tell them to respect others and the Golden Rule. Weird.

"The Department of Education recommends a reading that claims babies are not 'colorblind' and that parents must instill 'antiracist attitudes and actions' beginning at birth, in order for their children to not 'absorb bias from the world around them,'" said Rufo.

Rufo went on to talk more about other elements in the toolkit teaching parents to talk about "white fragility," "intersectionality," and "systemic racism."

Maybe we can teach our infants to line themselves up by hierarchies of oppression!

Talking about racism with your kids is not wrong. Teaching them to be racists through this junk is.

"I call on Governor Doug Ducey to conduct an investigation into the Department of Education's radical "equity and diversity" program," Rufo said. "It's deeply ideological, anti-scientific, and morally bunk. Arizona students deserve better."

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