The Associated Press has some "BREAKING" news for you: There's been a slight increase in killing babies in utero since Roe was overturned
ยท Aug 7, 2024 ยท

I got some BREAKING NEWS from the Associated Press:

Is it just me, or do those AP reporters seem REALLY excited?

Also, I thought the Republican Supreme Court made killing babies in the womb illegal back in 2022. I thought we were living in the Handmaid's Tale.

How is this even possible?!

Abortion was slightly more common across the U.S. in the first three months of this year than it was before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and cleared the way for states to implement bans, a report released Wednesday found โ€ฆ

The survey found that the number of abortions fell to nearly zero in states that ban abortion in all stages of pregnancy and declined by about half in places that ban it after six weeks of pregnancy, before many women know they are pregnant. Fourteen states are enforcing bans on abortion at all stages of pregnancy, with some exceptions, and four others bar it after about six weeks of pregnancy.

Numbers went up in places where abortion remains legal until further into pregnancy โ€” and especially in states such as Illinois, Kansas and New Mexico, which border states with bans.

So which is it, propagandists in the media?

Kamala ads are blitzing us on TV and YouTube, telling us that Republicans will enslave women under a theocratic dictatorship that forces them to have [checks notes] precious babies made in the image of God. But if abortions are increasing, doesn't that mean that Kamala's whole push for "enshrining" abortion in federal law is unnecessary?

So, why is this even a story? Why have "BREAKING" attached to it? Well, it's a potshot at conservatives.

"See? You didn't really save babies! Ha!"

What a flex!

(Gonna be interesting when they have to explain themselves to God one day.)

So why are the abortion numbers rising?

Well, as pro-lifers have said before, overturning Roe wouldn't actually stop abortion. What it would do, however - and this is extremely important - is allow the states to ban to the practice in their own states so that they may stand before God with clean consciences.

And the bans are already saving tens of thousands of lives in those states.

Abortions are going up elsewhere because it only costs a few hundred bucks to travel to another state - heck, some of them are offering assistance for women to travel. So are Fortune 500 companies!

And until killing babies is banned, you can expect to see those numbers continue to rise, especially among the "Shout your abortion" crowd that takes pride in their body count of murdered children.

Do you realize that there are a ton of evil people like THIS out there? ๐Ÿ‘‡

Turns out, when you tell a group of sinful toddlers they shouldn't do something, they'll first throw a fit, and then they'll do everything in their power to do the thing you told them not to do.

Which, in this case, means killing their own kids.

What a time to be alive.

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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