The Biden administration spent $25,000 and authorized $30,000 more to provide media coaching for the CDC's Rochelle Walensky and that investment sure didn't pay off
ยท Jul 28, 2022 ยท

Of the three horsemen of the Covid Apocalypse, Dr. Fauci, Dr, Birx, and Rochelle Walensky, Walensky is easily the least likable and absolutely the worst on camera.

To combat the CDC director's horrible on-screen presence, the Biden administration has paid $25,750 to different firms in hopes of improving her media chops.

They spent up to $500 an hour.

And, yeah, it didn't work.

According to Politico:

Starting in October 2021, Walensky enlisted longtime Democratic political consultant MANDY GRUNWALD for media training, conducted virtually, at a cost of about $500 per hour, according to the filings. In total, the CDC has paid Grunwald's firm $16,000, with authorization to spend $14,000 more.

In addition, Walensky has also regularly seen a coach to improve her management skills. The CDC has paid Boston-based TIM SULLIVAN's firm, Wellesley Partners, $9,750 beginning in March 2021 with authorization to pay $16,500 more. Those sessions also run at $500 an hour.

Yeah, no amount of money is going to be enough to make the American people like someone like Walensky who is constantly lying to them.

The expense filings offer a window into the behind the scenes efforts to improve the CDC's messaging around Covid protocols and management of the sprawling agency.

The agency has come under fire on several occasions for providing confusing or vague guidance around masking, isolation guidelines and the rollout of booster shots.

Walensky, who came from academia with little experience in the federal government, has frustrated other senior officials at times for her tendency to lapse into "academic speak" in trying to explain the nuances of the agency's decision-making to the public โ€” rather than sticking to simple and straightforward talking points.

Yeah, it's not the "academic talk" that bothers people.

It's the flip-flopping and constant backtracking, deceiving, and changing of guidelines.

But yeah, it doesn't help that Walensky does all of this while being supremely unlikable.

The White House already employs these types of coaches and could have gotten Walensky this training for free. But any opportunity to waste your money to pump up a government bureaucrat is not going to be passed up.

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