Did you know our government put former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on a secret terrorist watchlist? Yes, thankfully a whistleblower uncovered the goods.
Rep. Lamborn gives us a little background on how this "Quiet Skies" program works.
According to the TSA website, the Quiet Skies program 'is another tool that allows the Federal Air Marshal Service to more efficiently deploy law enforcement resources to focus on travelers who may present an elevated risk to aviation security.' This comports with personal account given by LTC Gabbard, who reported that she was subjected to increased screening while recently crossing ports of entry into the United States. Furthermore, according to the same open-source reporting, LTC Gabbard was regularly shadowed by two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one TSA explosive security specialist, and three Federal Air Marshals on every flight she boards.
Tulsi and her husband were followed by Air Marshalls and bomb dogs. This is not a drill.
Lamborn is requesting information from the TSA, and now legal action is being prepared.
The Biden-Harris Deep State has just been exposed for placing Tulsi Gabbard on the 'Quiet Skies' terrorist watchlist - subjecting her to enhanced screenings, surveillance, and having at least 3 federal agents follow her on every flight.
Tulsi - who is widely credited with having sunk Kamala Harris' chances during the last presidential primary debates - is now being harassed by the Biden-Harris Deep State. She's an active member of the Army Reserves and has served our nation honorably in combat, but now the Biden-Harris Administration is weaponizing the Deep State against her.
It's outrageous, unconstitutional, and un-American.
We're taking unprecedented legal action - filing FOIA requests to the Biden-Harris TSA, DHS, FBI, and DOJ over the unconstitutional targeting of Tulsi Gabbard.
Here's Tulsi speaking on the fact that she's being targeted as a domestic terrorist:
Tulsi Gabbard will be taking legal action against the Biden/Harris admin over putting her on a terrorist watch list:
‘My own government, my president, my commander-in-chief is targeting me as a potential domestic terrorist, the closest word that comes to mind is a complete sense of betrayal.'
‘After serving over 21 years and continuing to serve in our nation's military, my own government has labeled and is targeting me directly now as a domestic terrorist.'
‘They're using people like the air marshals as weapons and pawns to target their political opponents.'
‘Of course, there's no explanation given, which is why we are taking legal recourse.'
‘Obviously, I've been very outspoken about the dangers of the Biden-Harris administration to our democracy and to our freedom and to our national security. This is what happens as a result.'
Shouldn't matter where you land on the political spectrum, a former congresswoman and veteran being put on a terrorist watch list simply for speaking out against the current administration should enrage you. It should enrage you because it's not only a waste of your tax payer money, but because it is what some of the [worst] governments in history do and that doesn't represent America.
The weaponization of government against outspoken political opponents is things you see in governments such as Russia and Iran not America
If you are a Democrat thinking "that's what she gets for betraying us," please remember the Pendulum always swings back the other way. Eventually a non Democrat will take power and the precedent has now been set.
Americans deserve better.
Legal action is the only option here, and Tulsi is going to win.
A quick flashback before we depart:

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇