The city of Madison is cutting its salted roads by 50 miles this winter, but don't worry, they have baseball cards for their snowplows now so it's all good
· Nov 22, 2023 ·

Yo, this is actually a real story out of Wisconsin.

The capital city of Madison has just decreased its salted roads (yes, we have to do that up here when it snows) by 50 miles, meaning if you're driving on those 50 miles of road during a snowstorm you're way more likely to go sliding in whichever direction the ice gods decide you're going in that particular moment.

But don't worry, Madison, your snowplows have baseball cards now, so there's nothing to worry about!



Not a joke. A real thing they did in Madison. Who needs great salting stats when you've already made it to baseball card status?

The city's Streets Division will be cutting back on the number of roads that will be salted this winter by more than 50 miles.

A spokesperson said the city bases salt routes on where Metro Transit buses travel. With the Metro network redesign, the Streets Division reassessed its routes …

The city also released baseball cards for its snow machines to educate the public on the work they do.

This would've been a cool story if they hadn't cut so much of the salt route, but now it's just filed under "dumb things my government did."

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