You may think "clown" is harsh.
Let Jordan Peterson educate you.
Some of you who disagree might say, "BUT THE PLANET IS BURNING, REEEEEEE!"
Well hold your horses, Jethro.
If the politicians over in Washington State really cared about the environment, maybe they would have lowered their emissions over the last few decades like [checks notes] Oklahoma.
Now let's get to what these balloonhead politicians want to do:
SB 5974 — a piece of legislation recently signed by Governor Jay Inslee (D-WA) — establishes a target that "all publicly owned and privately owned passenger and light duty vehicles of model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in Washington state be electric vehicles." An "interagency electric vehicle coordinating council" created by the new law is directed to "complete a scoping plan for achieving the 2030 target."
This would effectively make it so no new gas-powered vehicles can be sold to anyone. Instead, you'll have to buy one of those $80,000 electric vehicles with lithium mined by a 7-year-old in Uganda and charge it using your nearest coal-fired power plant.
Otherwise, you'll be stuck at home if you live outside a leftist-run city, you poor person, you.
The legislation — dubbed "Clean Cars 2030" — was enacted as part of a $17 billion climate agenda called "Move Ahead Washington." Other facets of the package include $5.4 billion for "carbon reduction and multimodal expansion," $2.4 billion for "fish passage barrier removals," $836 million for "four new hybrid-electric ferries," and $150 million for "ultra-high-speed rail."
And by "move ahead," they mean, "Go back to the 1800s."
I can tell you exactly what will happen as a result of this legislation.
People will stop buying new cars.
That's it. People who actually have to make a living will fix up their older vehicles, just like Cubans do, and they'll make them last for a long time.
Of course, the politicians will be angry that people aren't selling their children to afford a new 2-door electric coupe, so they'll probably respond by banning all gas vehicles.
At which point everyone will simply leave the state and go drive a truck in Texas.

These people trying to limit your transportation for the sake of the cLiMaTe are enemies of freedom. They want to be the new feudal lords and they want you to be the new serfs who can't leave their land.
But in the end, if they want to drive everyone out of their territory so that Mother Gaia can reclaim their cities, they might just succeed!
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