No way, dude. No way this is happening.
Seriously, Colin Kaepernick is going to participate in Michigan's spring game—literally the most boring game of the year!
But why tho?
Ahh, I see...
Kaepernick will participate in a halftime event where he will be throwing to "a few undrafted free agents/retired receivers." According to Ablauf, the event is being sponsored by Michigan's Wolverine Against Racism student organization.
Totally forgot how woke they were over in Ann Arbor.
It all makes sense now.
But honestly, how sad is this?
Bro can't make an NFL roster to save his life. And now he's an honorary captain at the Michigan spring game?!
Dude went to Nevada!
This is an obvious case of college football sacrilege right here. Though I get it, because head coach Jim Harbaugh was Kap's coach over in San Fran this makes at least some sort of sentimental sense.
But honestly, this is embarrassing.
Dude's participating in a college spring game at 34.
That's about as washed up as washed up gets.

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