The activist comrades over at the NYT thought it was a good idea to publish a list of companies that don't support the far-left narrative on voter ID
· Apr 15, 2021 ·

What is it with these people and lists?

In the article, the Times first showcases the list of woke CEOs and companies that are trying to undermine election integrity in Georgia based on uninformed and frankly racist assumptions:

If you want a list of woke businesses that are trying to paint conservatives as bigots while using the money you give them to influence elections, feel free to share this with friends and refer to it the next time you want to know which companies to avoid.

The Times then takes aim at companies that didn't sign this partisan political stunt – because commies gonna commie – informing the nation in no uncertain terms that these companies must bow down to the Woke Monster.

"Many companies declined to sign the statement, and some executives, such as Mr. Buffett, signed for themselves but not on behalf of their companies. Coca-Cola and Delta, which spoke out about the Georgia law after it was passed, declined to add their names, perhaps fearing more blowback for earlier statements and also not feeling the need to speak again. JPMorgan Chase also declined to sign the statement despite a personal request from senior black business leaders to Jamie Dimon, who made a statement on voting rights before."

Look at that last line. Can you feel the ire in it? They want JPMorgan Chase to know they have a target on their back and they are telling them to bend the knee or else.

They then take aim at Walmart:

"Why didn't Walmart sign? Doug McMillon, the retailer's C.E.O., who also chairs the influential Business Roundtable lobby group, sent a note to employees to explain the company's position. 'We are not in the business of partisan politics,' he wrote. 'While our government relations teams have historically focused on core business issues like tax policy or government regulation, Walmart and other major employers are increasingly being asked to weigh in on broader societal issues such as civil rights.' The company didn't sign the statement, but 'we do want to be clear that we believe broad participation and trust in the election process are vital to its integrity,' Mr. McMillon said."

There's no reason for this except sheer political intimidation. The NYT wants to feed the Woke Monster and it won't stop until everyone toes the party line or ends up bankrupt and in the gulag.

In the past few years, we've moved from our media targeting those who actively spoke against the woke to those who refuse to support the woke. Next will come the call for punishments for those who do not pledge allegiance to their cause.

This is 100% disgusting and wrong. And yet so predictable to anyone who has studied history.

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