It's bad enough that the Biden administration's vaccine mandate is probably gonna wreak havoc on a huge multitude of industries, exacerbating the already fragile labor market. But its effects on the trucking industry may very well be catastrophic:
The Truckload Carriers Association says the Biden administration ignored its pleas to exempt truckers from a new COVID-19 vaccine mandate...
Officials with the trucking industry say they are short about 80,000 truck drivers, which has already caused major supply chain issues. It's believed the Biden Administration's new mandate will only exacerbate the issues.
"Our professional truck drivers could end up leaving this industry and affect the delivery mode that this country enjoys so heavily," said Dave Heller, vice president of government affairs for the Truckload Carriers Association...
Truck driver Sadaya Morris, 28, says the mandate is going to hurt the trucking industry."It is going to be very detrimental. I know a lot of drivers that are against the vaccine especially because it doesn't hold any type of real value to prevent you from getting COVID," said Morris.
Yeah I mean, it's not like the Biden administration could have seen this coming, right? No way they could have predicted that forcing a hated medical mandate on an industry chock-full of rugged individualist truckers would ever lead to a potential labor disaster.

At least the mandate only goes into effect in January so the Christmas season might not be too FUBARed!
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