You might roll your eyes at the hyper-woke convention of calling Latino people "Latinx," but you know who really hates it? Latinos!
Domingo García, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, the nation's oldest Latino civil rights organization, has instructed staff and board members to drop the word "Latinx" from the group's official communications.
García sent the directive out in an email Wednesday night, addressed to Sindy Benavides, the league's CEO; David Cruz, its communications director; and the LULAC board.
"Let's stop using Latinx in all official communications," García said, adding that it's "very unliked" by almost all Latinos.
What? Are you kidding me? You're telling me that an ethnic demographic almost universally despises this dumb, clunky, cringeworthy ethnonym that's being forced upon everyone by a tone-deaf, completely out-of-touch woke academic elite??

Well, so long, Latinx, you had a good run! Honestly though, we're all going to miss it a little bit, if only because of the sterling comedy moments it brought about such as Elizabeth Warren referring to Latinos as "Latin-x."