It seems the post-modernists that C.S. Lewis spent so much time skewering have finally decided it's time for endless winter in Narnia.
Netflix has the rights to make Chronicles of Narnia movies now, and it has chosen actor and director Greta Gerwig to make said movies.
The lady responsible for this:
I'm not joking. Netflix wants her to write and direct two Narnia films.
Gerwig is an interesting choice given during the press tour for the Barbie film she's made numerous comparisons between the film and Christianity. Most recently it was revealed in The New Yorker that when Gerwig originally pitched the film she did it "with a poem in the style of the Apostles' Creed."
Back in May while discussing the relationship between Barbie and Ken with Vogue, Gerwig said, "Barbie was invented first. Ken was invented after Barbie, to burnish Barbie's position in our eyes and in the world. That kind of creation myth is the opposite of the creation myth in Genesis."
The Barbie movie isn't out yet, but a woman who sees a movie about dolls for little girls as "the opposite of the creation myth in Genesis" might be the last person that C.S. Lewis would have picked to adapt his books. In fact, she might be the exact type of person his books warn about.
Gerwig, who was raised a Unitarian Universalist, was also the director of the 2019 Little Women movie, which some regarded as woke and feminist.
In the film, she took out the faith in God that was so crucial to the characters – the thing that all else revolved around – and replaced it with tones of feminist empowerment through the deconstruction of the Christian worldview.
When asked by Time magazine if the line was meant to be emblematic of feminist rage, Gerwig commented: "If you strip away this pre-Victorian morality, what you have is ambitious, passionate, angry, sexual, interesting women who don't fit into the boxes the world has given them."
But I'm sure she'll have great respect for a cherished story written as a Gospel allegory by the 20th century's most famed Christian apologist!!

Everything C.S. Lewis wrote exudes the love and lordship of Christ, the King of kings who made the universe and yet died a humble death in our place so we can have eternal life if only we believe in Him. It is impossible to portray Narnia without that as the crux and focus of the story. Narnia is not just a magical place, it is a magical place where every rock, fawn, and water sprite points to Christ. As a professor of mythology, Lewis desired to use fiction to share the Gospel in a way that got past people's preconceptions and ego and cut to the heart:
...supposing that by casting all these things into an imaginary world, stripping them of their stained-glass and Sunday school associations, one could make them for the first time appear in their real potency? Could one not thus steal past those watchful dragons? I thought one could.
To portray Narnia is to destroy the secular worldview of self-empowerment and self-discovery, because all of Lewis' writings took aim at the head of that serpent. His compendium is a direct rebuttal to the dissection of the Christian worldview that has left us with a cold, sterile, "woke" world in the 21st century (the scientists of N.I.C.E. would be proud!).
To undertake a film adaptation of his work is to devote oneself entirely to Aslan's rule, as it were. Anything less is the work of the White Witch, who seeks only to hijack Aslan's creation for her own purposes.
But perhaps that's the point.