The entire police department of this Minnesota town just up and quit over a pay dispute
ยท Aug 18, 2023 ยท

One ironclad principle of labor supervision is this: You got to take care of your people. If you don't, they'll leave. Sometimes all of them at once:

A small city in southeastern Minnesota could be left without a police department after the entire force recently resigned, officials said.

The Goodhue Police Department resigned because of issues with the city's pay, Mayor Ellen Anderson Buck said at a City Council meeting Monday.

The city suffered the resignation of its police chief last week; following that, "a full-time officer and five part-time employees" also departed.

Mayor Buck says the city's attorney has urged the municipality to "pursue our other options," which seems like, you know, a no-brainer. Apparently the dispute is over a $22 per hour pay rate; former Chief Josh Smith said last month that the rate should be at least $30.

"There's zero incentive to come out here to a small town, low pay, being on call, affecting your free time and everything else," Smith told city councilmembers.

Meanwhile, anyone making an emergency call in Goodhue City in the near future is going to be, well, disappointed:

Figure it out, Goodhue... you can't go without a police department.

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