These people are going to save the Great Salt Lake by flooding the entire state of Utah. They've already begun.
· Aug 18, 2023 ·

Utah's Great Salt Lake is drying up.

It hit a record low in 2022, and many feared the lake would be nothing but salt flats before long.

But then a record snow melt in 2023, raised the lake 5.5 feet. It was enough water to bring sailboats back to the lake.

But according to scientists, who call everything "record" these days, the 250 billion gallons of water that poured into the lake this year will not be enough to save the lake.

If we don't all pump even more greenhouse gasses into the air today to produce electric cars, then the climate will change more and destroy the Great Salt Lake.

But don't worry, there's a group of artist-activists that have a plan.

The Mormon-art collective ARCH-HIVE plans to refill the Great Salt Lake, and not just refill it, but return it to the prehistoric grandeur of Lake Bonneville, which once covered the entire state of Utah.

That's right.

They want to drive all of humanity from Utah by flooding the state.

And how are they going to do it?

I'll let them demonstrate to the Halo theme song.

They're going to refill it by hand, one bottle at a time!

(You'd think this was satire, but I'll even link the very-serious writeup by the Provo Tribune again so you can marvel at the fact that it is, by all accounts, not.)

They've already added no more than 100 gallons of water to the lake, most of which was sourced from outside the state!

The ARCH-HIVE insists that there is "definitely more water there than there was before" and "this is only the beginning."

It's hard to argue with them. There's about 2.2 billionth of a foot more water thanks to ARCH-HIVE.

At this rate, the state of Utah should be flooded sometime after the sun goes supernova and sucks the solar system into a giant black hole.

It sure will be nice to have a place to park the boat and take the family out after that though.

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