The fake news is still doing this.
ยท Dec 19, 2023 ยท

It's been two months since the mass slaughter of Israeli citizens by Hamas.

In that time, outlets like Not The Bee have shown repeatedly how propaganda from "Gaza authorities" (AKA Hamas) is demonstrably false but pushed with the goal of gaining Western sympathy.

Yet our insanely stupid and/or evil Western media is still out here with headlines like this:

Translation: "Hamas says Israel is killing mostly women and children."

[Insert pic of sad Arab man]

Within 10 minutes of posting this, NBC News was already getting ratioed.

From NBC's story:

Imagine writing that, citing terrorists as proof, without any mention of the fact that Egypt and Jordan have refused to let Palestinian civilians into their country. In fact, the king of Jordan said letting a single Palestinian into Jordan was a "red line" that would not be crossed. This, despite the fact that the population of Jordan is overwhelmingly composed of Levant Arabs with direct family connections to the Palestinians.

The king, a member of the Hashemite dynasty, is a tiny minority in his own nation. He knows what happens to him if he lets the Palestinians in, and so, they starve!

Our writing staff at Not The Bee understands that propaganda exists on both sides of a conflict. We aren't painting the Palestinians as sub-human or saying Israel is pure as the driven snow when it comes to the horrid fog of war.

What we do know is that Hamas - a vile Islamic terror group bent on abject slaughter and conquest of its enemies, that celebrates killing babies and raping wives as husbands are forced to watch - controls Palestine. This means any "authority" you cite on the ground is directly controlled by the most wicked men imaginable.

And yet NBC News continues to cite them, with photos of sad men in anguish, to pull at your heart strings.

The only thing more evil than that is Hamas itself. Par for the course for NBC, I guess.

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