In the years 1996 and 2024, all the dates fall on the same days, both years being Leap Years that began on a Monday. So this year, instead of throwing up a generic calendar with flowers or Thomas Kincaid paintings, you could be reliving the year of Space Jam, Jerry McGuire, and the Macarena.

It's still the first week of January, so there's still plenty of time for you to raid your old calendar collection in your childhood bedroom closet. It's only been 28 years, so the chances that your parents have moved or decluttered are slim. And even if they have, surely you thought to save your iconic Jonathan Taylor Thomas calendar!
Nothing screams 1996 quite as much as this calendar, which is probably why it's the one that has gone the most viral over the last few weeks.
But don't worry, if Home Improvement and Tom and Huck weren't your entertainment of choice, the year 1996 was the peak wall calendar era. Take for example some of these popular choices:
And I just have to include my personal favorite (though I can't verify that this picture is actually from a calendar) the Muppet/Seinfeld crossover: Frogfeld.
Both years are also election years and Olympic years. The only difference is that your 1996 calendar may not include more newly inaugurated national holidays like Juneteenth or Indigenous Peoples Day.
Personally, I turned 1 in the year 1996, so it was a while later before I started my wall calendar collection. But don't worry, I'll be saving my 2024 calendar for the next time the dates line up in 2052 and 2080. It'll be super vintage by that time.

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