The Kansas City Star, a real newspaper, published an op-ed arguing that Harrison Butker should be replaced by a woman
ยท May 20, 2024 ยท

This is a real opinion piece from a real newspaper that's been publishing since the 1800s.

Excuse me for a moment ...

Yes, The Kansas City Star actually went and published this piece arguing that Harrison Butker, a man who recently set a Super Bowl record for longest field goal, should be replaced.


No, they're not joking.

This is how the article begins:

For poetic justice after Harrison Butker's Neanderthal outburst โ€” and because the pipeline of talent is real โ€” the Kansas City Chiefs' next kicker should be a woman.

This is not a joke. It's not unrealistic. And it would be good for business.

"This is not a joke": Yes, it is.

"It's not unrealistic": It's not realistic.

"It would be good for business": Harrison Butker's jersey is sold out in the NFL store.

The article goes on to argue that women are very good at kicking footballs, maybe even better than men like Butker if they have enough practice. And then there's this paragraph directly from the pages of The Babylon Bee.

And the farm system for talent is rich. There are more than 300 players on the 14 teams in the National Women's Soccer League. That's more than 300 women who are professional ball kickers and don't currently choose to be stay-at-home housewives. It would be delightful if one of them cost the Kansas City Chiefs kicker his job.

The author lists Maya Turner, Liz Heaston, Ashley Martin, Katie Hnida and Sarah Fuller as potential Butker replacements. And we all know who those ladies are, right?

To give you an idea for how these female kickers kick, here's that Sarah Fuller gal kicking off (note: you're supposed to kick it as far as you can on a kickoff).



Okay, you're right, Kansas City Star, I think the Chiefs should bring in a female kicker. The entertainment value would be through the roof, and since everyone hates the Chiefs, this would satisfy the public's need to see them lose often.

Just to give you an idea for how out of touch this author is, he describes himself at the end of the article.

Peter Hamm is a former journalist and a public affairs professional for nonprofits, government agencies and political campaigns. He lives in the Washington, D.C. suburbs.

Leave it to a guy like Peter to write an op-ed such as this.

Peter, call me when the trans movement takes over women's soccer. Then maybe we can talk about the Chiefs hiring a "female" kicker.

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