The LA Times published this opinion piece and I'm starting to understand why no one reads their paper
· Feb 2, 2024 ·

I almost can't believe this is a real headline, a real opinion that the few folks left at the LA Times decided to run.

This opinion writer survived all those cuts? They fired 20% of their employees and this joker made the cut.

How bad were the people they fired?

Somehow, Shannon Gibson still has a job at the failing LA Times, and she wants you to know that the climate terrorists who threw soup at the Mona Lisa have a point.

In meetings with global activists in recent weeks, my colleagues and I have noticed their emphasis shifting away from government policy fights to battles in the streets, political arenas and courtrooms. The lines between reformists and radicals, and between global and grassroots mobilizers, are blurring, and a new sense of engagement is taking root.

Ahh yes, "taking it to the streets" to fight the evil sun monster.

Essentially, Gibson is arguing that this works because when the climate activists do insane things, then the people in power take notice and start to make policy changes to appease them ...

Hey Siri, what's the definition of terrorism?

Oh, it's only terrorism if the Left doesn't like it? That's good to know.

This is cultural terrorism. The destruction of the symbols of Western Civilization in the name of worship of the planet.

But it's a tried and true lefty tactic.

When in-your-face activism takes place at the same time as formal institutional challenges, studies show the combination can help increase awareness of the problem and support for moderate action.

It's called shifting the Overton Window, and, as much as I hate to say it, she's got a point.

It could very well work.

The US Government is more than happy to negotiate with leftwing terrorists!

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