The labor market is so tight that some employers are enticing workers by promising not to implement vax mandates

Plenty of employers have gone all-in on the COVID vaccine over the past year, directing their employees to get the jab or face suspension and termination.

The federal government, meanwhile, has come down with a strict nationwide employment mandate for the shot (that was recently suspended by the courts).

Meanwhile, some smaller businesses are luring workers with, well, a different tactic:

When Primal Life Organics amended its job postings to include the phrasing "*NO VACCINE REQUIRED,*" the company saw an increase in applications from the single-digits to 30 or 40, said CEO Trina Felber, who founded the Akron, Ohio-based maker of natural skincare and dental products in 2009.

"It was at that point that we were then able to start hiring people," Felber said, noting the company brought on six new employees after adding "no vaccine required" to its job listing.

So basically the U.S. economy is gearing up to be a land of intensely sharp contrasts, one in which major businesses and corporations require a novel medical procedure as a condition of employment and others stick to the status quo that persisted prior to about June of this year.

Entirely new job sites are being created to deal with the influx of workers who don't want a forced jab as a condition of employment.

However, traditional job sites aren't the only avenue for these types of postings. JP Valadez, of NextGen Code Company in Lubbock, Texas, launched the online job board in August. Since then, the site has had more than 2.25 million unique visitors and more than 20,000 resumes posted, Valadez said. As of November 12, the site had roughly 500 active listings.

"We are also seeing a massive migration from corporations to smaller businesses," he said in an email to CNN Business. "Many in the health industry are completely abandoning their career path in favor of something completely different. We are seeing nurses and doctors apply at travel agencies, for example, and just the other day we saw a resume from a NASA data analyst who was willing to work as a plumber or an electrician as long as the employer respected their values and their bodily autonomy."

CNN says they emailed "dozens of businesses" about the "no vaccine" postings and that most "did not return calls and emails seeking comment" and I can't possibly imagine why.

Maybe because CNN is a heap of super-biased trash that peddles fear and lies, including in this article??

However, some economists and legal experts caution that offering this particular incentive is a considerable -- and a potentially deadly -- gamble.

CNN also quoted a Johns Hopkins professor who said all the hubbub about vax mandates is being caused by "a new interpretation of individual freedom," which would be news to Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin.

Philip Dulock, an owner at Spanish Oak Assisted Living in Pflugerville, Texas, said he noticed a sharp uptick in applications after he included the phrase "NO VACCINE REQUIRED" in the title of a job posting for a certified nursing assistant.

It's been a challenging couple of years trying to hire qualified staff, he said. After some of the larger health care organizations in the region started implementing vaccine mandates, Dulock said he figured the phrasing could help get some people through the door.

How this finally finishes up is anyone's guess, but as always, the best advice is to buckle up!

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