The Michigan attorney general is charging 16 elderly Trump voters with conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election
· Jul 19, 2023 ·

People like to accuse Trump of trying to re-litigate the 2020 election. In Michigan, Democrats are pretty much literally doing that:

Michigan's attorney general on Tuesday criminally charged 16 so-called "fake electors" for former President Donald Trump, accusing them of a fraudulent effort to reverse President Joe Biden's victory in the state's 2020 election.

The 16 people each face eight charges, including conspiracy, election law forgery, and uttering and publishing, state Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a video announcement.

The defendants in the controversy reportedly "met covertly in the basement of the state GOP headquarters" following the 2020 election and conspired to pose as state elector in order to push Trump through as the putative winner of that race, allegedly going so far as to attempt to "enter the state Capitol and deliver their fabricated electoral votes to the Senate floor."

The alleged conspirators "weren't the duly elected and qualified electors, and each of the defendants knew it," Nessel claims.

The charges "have maximum possible prison sentences of up to 14 years," and the accused have been given a week to surrender.

The average age of the defendants is reportedly 70 years old.

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