The climate wackos at the New York Times think it's time to let firework shows on the 4th of July fade into the past. They probably want us to swear fealty to the Crown again too.
Look, the drones do look cool. I would not be upset getting to see one of these drone light shows in person.
But it ain't the same.

Fireworks are just so dang American!

The explosion! The noise! The smell of gunpowder!
That's freedom, baby! That's America!
You can't replace that with the distant hum of a drone show.
But the NYT wants you to know that safe is better than fun; safe is better than freedom!
There's the climate:
Fireworks cause a spike in a form of air pollution called particulate matter, the same type of pollution that is elevated from wildfire smoke.
And your health:
Dr. Tee Lewis added that since the spread of the coronavirus, more people may be more vulnerable to air pollution, especially people suffering from long Covid or heart complications as a result of their infections. For those determined to get their pyrotechnic fix, wearing the same N95 face masks that protect against the virus is one way to protect yourself from smoke and air pollution, she said.
And those poor pets!
Besides air pollution, fireworks come with other risks. Dogs and other household pets are known to hate July 4, and many humane societies and animal shelters prepare for an influx of lost or runaway pets after the holiday.
Stop being killjoys, wokies! Fire off some rockets and live free!