Elmo just went and stepped in it.
If you've been around the internet (or humanity in general) for more than 5 minutes, you know exactly what was going to happen after Elmo's handlers posted this.
And because you are human and are fascinated by the slow-motion train wreck of our race, you clicked on this article to enjoy the free-for-all that you knew darned well was going to happen.
Well, I'm not one to disappoint, so here are some of the funniest and/or most depressing replies!
Of course, corporate America smelled blood in the water and knew where's there's blood, there's money!
It got so bad that the Sesame Street account had to step in with a link to mental-health resources...

It wasn't ALL bad tho...
Then there was the copium...
So why did Elmo bring this curse upon us all?
I have my thoughts...

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇