The pollster who correctly predicted the invisible Trump voters that decided the 2016 election says it's about to happen again in the 2022 midterms
· Sep 19, 2022 ·

Robert Cahaly enjoyed a well-deserved celebrity after 2016 for being one of the vanishingly few pollsters to have correctly predicted that Trump would win that presidential election. His Atlanta-based Trafalgar Group pulled this off by adjusting its polling to look for "social desirability bias," accurately assuming that many people were concealing their intentions to vote for Trump out of fear of social backlash.

Now Cahaly says those same dynamics are coming to play in 2022, only more so:

He's right, you know. When the president of the United States essentially brands you a terrorist enemy of the country, you tend to kind of walk on eggshells when it comes to politics.

No matter how it happens, the midterms are gonna be lit!

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