Porn industry launches "hands off my porn" campaign against Republicans
· Oct 7, 2024 ·

Once again we have a story for you that ought to be satire but is not. The porn industry has entered the political chat.

No joke, the PORN INDUSTRY is joining the political campaign against conservatives, warning that if "Project 2025" Republicans have their way, porn will be criminalized.

This is what Hands Off My Porn's website looks like:

They'll even register you to vote:

Democrats seeing the "Hands Off My Porn" ads while waiting for their porn to load:

"If Donald Trump is president, the Project 2025 people he doesn't like to associate himself with will somehow convince him to ban porn. And then how will I get my daily dose of sexytime with my phone?"

Trump has no policy positions on porn, but a number of conservative states have passed laws requiring pornographic sites to require ID as an effort to protect children. This has made sites like PornHub withdraw from those states (that tells ya something, doesn't it?).

But considering the fact that 44% of men aged 18-29, and 57% of men aged 30-49, say they've watched porn within the past month, you have to wonder how many men would throw their civilization under the bus to stop this imaginary fantasy where Donald Trump goes full Hitler and [checks notes] bans porn.

Porn addicts, abortionists, and warmongers - quite the following for Kamala!

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