It's not all doom and gloom out there, my friends.
The comments:
Wise words from the guy who took Pelosi's lectern:
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." - James 4:8a
Even the agnostic mathematicians are out here sharing Bible verses!
Just the best.
We're all looking for meaning. People across the world for all of history have searched for it. As CS Lewis said, if we have a desire in our heart that nothing in the world can satisfy, the most likely explanation is that we were made for another world. And if we were made, it follows that there is One who made us.
Keep searching. Keep seeking. Keep knocking on those doors.
There is wonder and love and adventure out there beyond our wildest hopes.
I'll end with the most Jordan Peterson reply ever 😂
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇