As you're probably aware, following the great Pinterest Wars of the early 2010's, every woman in the world signed a treaty promising to place a "Live, Laugh Love" decoration somewhere in their home. And so they did:
On signs...
Above bed frames...
In dining areas...
Above bed frames...
In Chinese...
On their feet...
Yeah, you get the idea.
And now, you might be thinking to yourself, "Wow, seeing those decorations all one right after the other kind of makes them seem really cheesy."
And you'd be right.
You might also be thinking, "Hmmm maybe I should take down my 'Live, Laugh, Love' decoration and put up something more original!"
And again, you'd be right (unless you're my wife: please don't spend any more money on decorations. It's already perfect, really!).
You might even be thinking, "This is probably the single most cheesy decoration in the world!"
And you'd be...
But, before we get there, let me present to you Exhibit B: The "Dance Like No One Is Watching" collection:
The "Dance Like No One Is Watching" trend actually predates "Live, Laugh, Love" by nearly 15 years, and still finds its way into the few corners of any part of the home that isn't plastered with "Live, Laugh, Love."
Sometimes it's abbreviated...
Or tagged....
Sometimes with different variations...
Yeah, you get the idea.
Now, you might be thinking, "Wow, given the age and pervasiveness of this decor, it seems like 'Dance like no one is watching...' is even cheesier than 'Live, Laugh, Love'!"
And you might be right.
You might even be thinking, "Surely THIS is the cheesiest decoration of all!" And you'd be...
I know, I know, I sense some confusion. What could possibly be more cheesy than either of these two decorations? Well, the answer is quite simple:
Both of them. Combined.
Look at this thing:

That's right. This is not two separate decorations. What you are looking at is ONE Frankenstein's monster of a decoration that I saw with my own eyes at a beloved family member's home.
Please... if you have one of these things living, laughing, loving and dancing in your house right now... please burn it. Not just the decoration, but your house as well. It's your duty to make sure this does not spread.