The Arizona Supreme Court ruled that a voter pamphlet could say that a fetus is an "unborn human being." The lefties aren't happy about it.
· Aug 15, 2024 ·

Lefties are mad that the supreme court in Arizona ruled that a voter pamphlet could describe a fetus as an unborn human being.

Me? Well, I'm upset that they had to drag the state supreme court into this battle for reality in the first place.

Oh, thank you Arizona for giving your citizens permission to tell the truth!

Never mind that fetus is literally latin for "offspring" - you know, a baby. Now the Arizona Supreme Court has given you permission to actually say that fact out loud.

And in writing.

The ruling drew swift criticism from the ballot measure's backers, who argued the phrase 'unborn human being' is neither impartial nor objective. They said they were concerned that Arizonans would be subjected to biased and politically charged words.

Hey lefties, sorry that reality is "biased" and "politically charged."

Sorry that you can't force conservatives and Christians to adopt your Orwellian doublespeak that would force them to dehumanize the baby's life in the womb.

Here are some leftists with their super-smart replies:

(Because killing a child isn't playing God 🤡)

Seriously, when the Left loses the ability to control words and control minds (thank you, Michael Knowles), they freak out!

'We are deeply disappointed in this ruling, but will not be deterred from doing everything in our power to communicate to voters the truth of the Arizona Abortion Access Act and why it's critical to vote YES to restore and protect access to abortion care this fall,' the group, Arizona for Abortion Access, said in a statement.

Reminder: This is NOT about the official wording on the ballot for the radical 24-week abortion allowance that the Left is calling a "ban."

This is about a PAMPHLET that is being put out by the Republican Party.

I'd be totally in favor of having this bold wording on the ballot as well, but the fact that the supreme court had to give Republicans permission as to what they could put in their own daggum pamphlet shows you how far we are from sanity.

Seriously though, what does this headline imply? That the Associated Press doesn't know that the fetus is an unborn human being? What do the lefties think it is? A penguin? A UFO?

We really are living in Clown World™, aren't we?

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